• Aboriginal Flag
  • Torres Strait Island Flag

Comprehensive Health Services for the Gladstone Community

Our priority is to promote better health outcomes for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and reduce the gap in life expectancy in our community.

Opening Hours

GRAICCHS t/a Nhulundu Health Service Clinic is open Monday to Friday and closed on weekends and public holidays.


8:30am – 5.00pm


9:30am – 5.00pm


8:30am – 5.00pm


8:30am – 5.00pm


8:30am – 5.00pm





Emergencies and After-Hours Care

For URGENT or LIFE-THREATENING medical attention immediately phone 000.

Other URGENT medical attention, you can also go to the Gladstone Base Hospital Accident & Emergency Department.

For NON-URGENT medical attention outside of our usual business hours, please call the House Call Doctor 13 55 66 after 6.00pm Monday – Friday, after 12pm Saturdays and all day Sunday.

Please tell the doctor who sees you that you are a patient of GRAICCHS and you would like a summary of your consultation forwarded to us.

Health information and advice is also available on 13 HEALTH (13 432 584) or Gladstone Hospital on 4976 3200.

Making an Appointment

Making an appointment is as easy as picking up the phone and calling 4979 0992.

If you feel you need a longer appointment with the doctor, make sure you let us know when you ring so we can ensure you get the best treatment and attention possible.

Every patient and client is treated the same according to their needs – in the following order

  1. Emergencies are given priority
  2. Appointments
  3. Walk-In

If it is an emergency, let us know straight away.

Home Visits

We may make arrangements for a doctor or health care professional to visit you at home. This service is for regular clients or patients whose condition makes it hard to come into the clinic. The service is only available in the immediate Gladstone area and requires special approval. When you phone the clinic, be sure to explain your need for a home visit.

Keeping in Touch

It’s important for us to form a relationship with you to provide the best health care possible. Nhulundu Health Service staff might ring your phone, you may get an SMS or text, or a letter in the mail. If you require urgent follow-up care an appointment will be organised for you as soon as possible.

Services Nhulundu Health Service provide

Our comprehensive health services for you include:

  • General Practice
  • General Health Checks
  • Preventative Health
  • Chronic Disease Management
  • Asthma Education and Support
  • Immunisation Programs
  • Eye Health
  • Ear Health
  • Antenatal, Maternal and Child Health
  • Mental Health and Counselling
  • Minor Procedures

No Smoking Policy

Nhulundu Health Service has a strict NO SMOKING policy at or within 5 metres of the property.  If you are a smoker, this might be a good time to advise your Doctor, Nurse or Health Worker and to get help quitting for better overall health.

Interpreter Service

Let us know when you book an appointment; if you or the person you are calling on behalf of would benefit from an interpreter. Additionally, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural support staff are available.

What does it cost to visit Nhulundu Health Service

We are a Bulk Billing Clinic. Please bring your Medicare Card and Concession Cards.

If you don’t have a Medicare card, the minimum fee is $57.00 for a standard consultation.  Other fees apply for longer consultations and procedures.  Please ask reception. Payments in cash only.

If your doctor wants to refer you to another doctor or organisation, enquire with our health staff about any additional costs.  If this is the case, they may be able to refer you to another bulk-billing service. However, depending on your needs, you may need to pay for some external, specialist services.


For eligible clients in the Gladstone area, we can provide assistance getting you to and from the clinic. You must call us to book pickup 24 hours prior to your appointment. Transport for some urgent matters may be available on the day.  To organise transport please call 4979 0992.

Reminders and Recalls

Sometimes it’s important for us to contact you about preventative health needs, chronic disease management, follow-up from investigations and upcoming programs. When we get this information, we will contact you via phone about the review or recall and book an appointment. If we are unable to get you via phone, we will send a letter.

Test Results and Follow-Ups

If the doctor has asked you to get some tests done, a follow-up appointment will be made before you leave the clinic so you can discuss with the doctor what the tests reveal and whether you require further treatment. We may also contact you prior to your follow up appointment if your test result requires more urgent and immediate attention.

Personal Information

When you arrive at the clinic go to reception and check with staff that your Medicare, concession cards, address and contact details are all up to date.  It is very important that we have the name and current phone number of your next of kin and emergency contact person.


Nhulundu Health Service employees are governed by strict privacy and confidentiality laws. We won’t give any of your records to anyone else without your permission, unless there is a threat to your life, wellbeing or safety, or unless the law says we must.

You can also see your personal information or agree to someone else seeing it, by asking the Doctor or the Clinical Practice Manager.

Quality Care

This service is dedicated to quality health care and is a fully Accredited General Practice with AGPAL and ISO.


We’d love to know what you think of our service. Please fill out our private and secure Compliments, Complaints and Suggestions Form with your comments and questions. You can also fill out a Feedback Form at reception if you prefer.


If you have a complaint about Nhulundu Health Service, please let us know. All complaints will be responded to within 30 calendar days and are processed in accordance with our Feedback and Complaints Policy and Procedure.

You can make a complaint in the following ways:

  • In person – please ask to speak to a manager
  • Online – by following this link
  • By downloading our private and secure Compliments, Complaints and Suggestions Form
  • By calling GRAICCHS on 4979 0992
  • By writing to us at:
    Feedback and Complaints
    GRAICCHS t/a Nhulundu Health Service
    PO Box 5158
    Gladstone Q 4680

If you have made a complaint and are not satisfied with the outcome or the way in which it was managed, you can refer the matter to the GRAICCHS Chief Executive Officer, Chairperson of the Board, the Board of Directors or the following organisations:

Office of the Health Ombudsman
PO BOX 3281 George Street
Phone: 133 OHO (133 646)
Queensland Ombudsman
Level 25, 288 Edward Street
Phone: 07 3005 7000
Toll-free: 1800 068 908
Privacy Complaints
GPO BOX 5218
Phone: 1300 363 992
Child Safety Complaints
Department of Communities
Phone: 1800 080 464

Your Healthcare Rights

Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights

The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights describes the rights of patients and other people using the Australian health system. These rights are essential to make sure that, wherever and whenever care is provided, it is of high quality and is safe.

The Charter recognises that people receiving care and people providing care, all have important parts to play in achieving healthcare rights. The Charter allows patients, consumers, families, carers and services providing health care to share an understanding of the rights of people receiving health care.

This helps everyone to work together towards a safe and high-quality health system. A genuine partnership between patients, consumers and providers are important so that everyone achieves the best possible outcomes.

Find out more at the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare.

COVID-19 Updates

Read the latest COVID-19 updates from our clinic.
