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Aged Care | Home Care Packages

All home care packages are delivered under a consumer-directed care approach, where you decide the level of involvement you want to have in managing your package. Consumers who receive a Home Care Package will have more control over the types of care and services they access and the delivery of those services, including who delivers the services and when. You will also be encouraged to identify goals, which could include gaining more independence or health goals. These will form the basis of your individual home care agreement and care plan.

The Consumer Directed Care gives providers and consumers with…

  • More choice and flexibility;
  • Support to access relevant information and make informed decisions on the care that is best for them;
  • A partnership approach and better-quality participation;
  • Wellness and enablement;
  • Greater transparency.

Coordinated home care subsidised by the Australian Government

A home care package is a coordinated package of care and services to help you to live independently in your own home for as long as you can which can be especially helpful if you have some complex needs that require support from home care providers.


Home Care Packages are open to seniors over 65 years of age, or over 50 years for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders, who need:

  • Ongoing services;
  • Multiple services, or one service at a high frequency;
  • High-level support, such as complex nursing care;
  • If your needs are basic, such as requiring showering a few days a week or fortnightly cleaning, you might be eligible for the Commonwealth Home Support Program.


Depending on your needs, you will be approved for one of four home care package levels. If you are unable to find an available package at the right level, it’s possible to take a lower level package and upgrade to the higher-level package when one becomes available.

Home Care Packages include a wide range of services to help you stay living in your own home, including:

  • Personal services:  Personal activities such as bathing, showering, toileting, dressing and undressing, mobility and communication.
  • Meal Preparation, nutrition and diet:  Assistance with preparing meals, special diets; using eating utensils and assistance with feeding.
  • Domestic Assistance:  General housework such as cleaning, washing clothes, or stocking the fridge.
  • Transportation:  Shopping, visiting health practitioners and attending social activities.
  • Social Support:  Maintain an active social life in and outside your home.
  • Nursing at Home:  Nursing services such as wound care, palliative care, or medication management. May also include assistance with bandages, dressings and skin integrity.
  • Allied Health at Home:  Physiotherapists, dieticians, podiatrists, speech therapists can come to your home.
  • Respite Care:  Respite care provides caregivers with a temporary rest from caregiving.
  • Home Maintenance:  Support with gardening, cleaning and home maintenance but only when these needs are reasonable and necessary.