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Nhulundu Health Service Communique – BULLETIN #2

This communique has been prepared by the Gladstone Region Aboriginal and Islander Community Controlled Health Service Ltd t/a Nhulundu Health Service in response to the  Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic. With the situation changing rapidly Nhulundu Health Service are continuing to review and update our response in line with the latest advice from both the Australian and Queensland Governments. 

Based on the latest advice regarding COVID-19 preventative measures, we have adjusted our usual business activities so as to minimise infection risks to our clients and employees. 

The following information is an update on measures that are being implemented, effective immediately, at Nhulundu Health Service in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic;  


Primary Health Care  I  Clinical Services

The recent expansion of Telehealth Consultations by the Australian Government under the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) is welcomed relief and is another measure to help ensure the safety and wellbeing of our frontline health and aged care staff, clients and community. To provide the best possible care we have purchased smartphones (Iphone & Samsung) to allow those clients with smartphones to either FaceTime or Video Call with their Doctor / General Practitioner (GP). This is complemented by our cloud based telehealth software, lifesizecloud, that allows clients and other healthcare providers to videoconference with Nhulundu Health Service. 

A drive through Flu-Clinic is being setup in our Car Park at 27-29 Goondoon Street Gladstone. Clients can attend this clinic by first calling our friendly medical reception staff, confirming eligibility, and making a booking on (07) 49790 992. 


Aged Care I  Home Care Packages & Commonwealth Home Support Programme

Our Aged Care Support Workers are actively encouraging clients who are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander 50 years and over, those 60 years and over with chronic disease, and those 70 years and over to remain in their home at all times. We are assisting with shopping and collection of medication to reduce the need to leave their homes. 

In the past couple of weeks, we have introduced “Meals in the Home” for our Aged Care clients of both the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) and Home Care Packages (HCP). This includes both lunch and dinner with meals being delivered twice weekly. Nhulundu Health Service contracted local Gladstone business, Savour the Flavour, a company that is also facing the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, to prepare and cook healthy nutritious meals in-line with the Tucka Time Program. So far over 300 meals have been provided twice weekly to our clients with demand growing. This is not only a great move for the safety and wellbeing of our aged care clients enjoying healthy nutritious meals in their home, but also a great opportunity to support a local business. 


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child and Family Wellbeing

All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child and Family Wellbeing Staff are continuing to work remotely from home until further notice. 

With the current social isolation measures and school holiday period we understand that this comes with an added pressure for parents, carers and families in keeping their children safe and entertained within the confines of their homes. To assist and do our part we are preparing a series of short-film videos of the Tucka Time program cooking demonstrations. This will allow children, parents, carers and community to watch these cooking demonstrations on Facebook & YouTube and actively participate within their home. 


Employee   I  Wellbeing

All of our non-essential staff are now working from their homes until further notice. This is targeted at improving social distancing within the workplace and to ensure the health and safety of our frontline health and aged care staff. 

Nhulundu Health Service continues to support our employees with up to 10 days paid pandemic leave if they have cold, flu or COVID-19 symptoms. 


For more information on the COVID-19 Pandemic visit: 


Queensland Health 


Austrtalian Government – Department of Health  


World Health Organisation

National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO)



Please remember where possible to stay home, wash your hands frequently with soap, cover your mouth if you have a cough or sneeze and phone ahead to our surgery if you have flu-like symptoms on (07) 49790 992. 

Thank you for your attention in this matter. 

Yours sincerely, 


Jenny Kerr

Clinical Practice Manager

Matthew Cooke

Chief Executive Officer

